Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hello non-existent readers,

Welcome to my spanking new blog/website/online portfolio, or whatever you want to call it. I've been told to sell myself online and so this is my alternative to selling myself on the streets. This post marks the first official post to kick things off on this blog.

So introductions must be made. My name is Stephen Fogg. I'm a sophomore at DigiPen Institutes of Technology. All the other boring education background stuff can be viewed from the about me profile thingy. Long story short I graduated from Oregon in 2006 but still didn't know what I wanted to do for a living. So I enrolled at DigiPen and have since been pursuing a career in the game industry as a game designer.

Mike's Plumbing and Tile Media Arts Division is the current dysfunctional team project I am a part of. We have the best team name in the history of DigiPen apparently. 4 programmers and 2 designers and a mess of other folks all pitching in to make some sort of gravity adventure. You can click on the tab at the top of the page to get a brief summary of the game we are making. I'll try to get some more screenshots up shortly and perhaps some older shots of what the game used to look like *shudder*. Eventually I will have a link to some gameplay footage and the official game website, so don't get your panties in a bunch, I'm working on this site as fast as I can. At some point we will have a download link as well.

The 2D games tab will take you to a page of summaries and screenshots of individual games I've done over the course of this school year. I'll try to get some fraps footage for these up soon as well. Be merciful on the art, these were 4 week projects each, with no artist but my own pitiful pixelart skills. These games were created as projects in my 2D level design courses with Professor James Portnow.

The final tab contains all the other work I can scrounge up that isn't complete garbage and might actually be worth showing to you. Currently there are some screens of a 3D medieval bar/tavern I modeled. I'm working on a companion piece of a medieval castle and surrounding landscape for the final project in this class. I'll have some work in progress screens for you soon, and eventually the final renderings by the end of the semester. I'll try to get Krazy Karts up on this tab as well, because I know you kids love that board game so much. Oh and I'll post the rules to the best dice throwing game ever. Don't listen to Pondsmith, "Combat Die" was the only dice game worth playing!

That's all I have for now. So all you non-existent blog followers should contact me and give me a job already.

1 comment:

  1. Yah I'm posting on my own Blog, so what? I forgot to mention that any of you digipeners are reading, Mike's Plumbing and Tile does playtesting every Friday in Edison around noon. So come try out the game!
